Year: 2023


hi my name is April and i will be telling you about why you should forgive others

1.say sorry to the person  you hurt

2. make sure the person you hurt says i forgive you

3. hug each other

4.make sure you are friends

5. don’t hurt anyone again

and that is all about why you should forgive the person you hurt


why you need a  friend to look after :

friends you need are

  1. kind
  2. playful
  3. not mean
  4. smart
  5. helpful
  6. caring

this is the friend you don’t need


2. not kind

3. swears

4. not playful

5. not smart

6.hurting you

these are not good friends so make sure you find a friend that cares for you

Kia ora! My name is April

Kia ora! My name is April, I go to Glen Innes School. I am 9 and my teacher is Miss cunningham. My favourite subject is Math and I enjoy learning about writing.  I am good at art.  My goal for this year is to  make 100 cakes for the poor people. In my spare time I like to  do Maths at home and sometimes i ask my sister to make maths for me